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Training with noise is equivalent to Tikhonov regularization

tl;dr: Adding noise to training inputs changes the risk function. A Taylor expansion shows that up to a term quadratic in the noise amplitude, the empirical risk is the same as without noise but with an additional term involving 1st derivatives of the estimator.

In our quest to understand all things regularization, today we review an old piece by Christopher Bishop no less!

The bias-variance tradeoff

We begin with a classical observation: for any statistical model we develop (i.e. for any choice of estimator $T = T (X_{1}, \ldots, X_{N})$ as a function of the data), we will always face the proverbial tradeoff between bias and variance of the statistic wrt. different datasets. Roughly: low bias $\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{X}} T$ implies high variance $V_{\mathbf{X}} T$ and viceversa. One way to see it is fhe following: We desire low model complexity (fewer parameters for the description of $T$) but this typically results in high bias and low variance, so we can increase the complexity for a lower bias but higher variance. There are many ways to tackle this connundrum: a few examples are structural stabilization to reduce the bias, ensembling of poor (weak) estimators to reduce the variance, or regularization of the objective function to achieve the same goal. The latter consists in adding a penalty term to the risk which regularizes the estimator in the sense that the problem of computing a good estimator from the data becomes well-posed, i.e. it depends smoothly on the training set. This leads to classical Tikhonov regularization.

Adding noise to the input

The focus of the paper is in the related technique of adding noise to the training samples and how (up to second order) it can be regarded as just adding a penalty term to the risk function. This noise could for instance be simply Gaussian, or salt and pepper noise (a binary mask), common in image recognition tasks.

To fix ideas, suppose that we are training an estimator $x \mapsto \hat{y} (x)$ via empirical risk minimization.1 We have training data $(x_{i}, y_{i})$ being realizations of the random variable $(X, Y)$ and we use quadratic loss and add some noise $\xi$ to the input $X$. This changes the risk function from $\mathbb{E}_{X, Y} [| \hat{y} (X) - Y |^2]$ to $\mathbb{E}_{X, Y, \xi} [| \hat{y} (X + \xi) - Y |^2]$, so that the empirical risk to minize is

\begin{equation} \label{eq:empirical-risk-noise}\tag{1} \hat{R}_{\xi} (\hat{y}) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N | \hat{y} (x_{i} + \xi _{i}) - y_{i} |^2 . \end{equation}

Assuming that the amplitude of the noise $| \xi |$ is small, a second order Taylor expansion of $\hat{y} (X + \xi)$ around $X$ yields, after some computations on the population risk and bringing them back to the empirical one, a new (1):

\[ \hat{R}_{\xi} (\hat{y}) = \hat{R} (\hat{y}) + \eta^2 \rho (\hat{y}) + \text{h.o.t.} \]

where the term $\rho (\hat{y})$ is the (empirical) regularizer and $\eta^2 =\operatorname{Var} (\xi)$.2 The expression that pops out for $\rho$ (which we don’t reproduce here) has the big disadvantage of being not bounded from below so that $\hat{R}_{\xi}$ is a rather poor choice for an objective function to minimise.

A quadratic approximate regularizer

However, one can rewrite the equations in term of the conditional expectations $\mathbb{E} [Y|X]$ and $\mathbb{E} [Y^2 |X]$ to obtain equivalent ones where it becomes apparent that, for small variances $\eta^2$, the (empirical) regularizer can be approximated by

\[ \tilde{\rho} (\hat{y}) = \frac{1}{2 N} \sum_{i = 1}^N | \nabla \hat{y} (x_{i}) |^2 . \]

This is now much better: being quadratic and bounded below by 0 it is a “good” term for the objective. The derivations in the paper show that it leads to the same minima (up to $\mathcal{O} (\eta^2)$) as the “true” regularizer $\rho$.

The computations are next repeated for the cross-entropy error to obtain a similar approximate regularizer, this time with an additional factor breaking its nice quadratic and Tikhonov-like form. There are efficient ways to compute the derivatives involved as part of backpropagation.

The conclusion is then that, at least in these settings one can simply plug these regularizers in instead of adding noise to the input. This might not be that interesting computationally, but it provides a deeper understanding of what it is that we are doing when we perturb inputs, a technique very common nowadays e.g. in object classification with convnets.

Finally, the paper concludes with a specific computation of the updates for weights in a neural network using the quadratic regularizer. The problem is that the Hessian of the error wrt. the weights is required, making the method unattractive for modern applications with millions of parameters.

  1. That is: we want $\hat{y} =\operatorname{argmin}_{y} \hat{R} (y)$, where $\hat{R}$ is an approximation to the population risk $R (y)$, a magnitude encoding the expected failure of $y$ in predicting well from $X$. There are many good introductions to statistical learning theory available: for a very brief one, see Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning, (2004) (p. 169).
  2. Note that we are omitting all population quantities here for brevity, but the regularizer is computed for the true expected error (population risk), then approximated using the sample data. The paper is actually a bit confusing in this respect since it tries to gather both population and sample quantities under one notation.