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Greedy layer-wise training of Deep Networks

Back in the dark days of 2006, neural networks were not properly initialised (no batchnorm1), not properly regularised (no dropout,2 no maxout3), mostly still using sigmoids4, not properly trained (no momentum,5 no adam, no wildhog!). Random initialisation of weights often led to poor local minima. This paper took an idea of Hinton, Osindero, and Teh (2006) for pre-training of Deep Belief Networks: greedily (one layer at a time) pre-training in unsupervised fashion a network kicks its weights to regions closer to better local minima,

giving rise to internal distributed representations that are high-level abstractions of the input, bringing better generalization.

The authors

performed experiments which support the hypothesis that the greedy unsupervised layer-wise training strategy helps to optimize deep networks, but suggest that better generalization is also obtained because this strategy initializes upper layers with better representations of relevant high- level abstractions. These experiments suggest a general principle that can be applied beyond DBNs, and [they] obtained similar results when each layer is initialized as an auto-associator [autoencoder] instead of as an RBM.

After a brief description of DBNs and RBMS, as well as their optimization with maximum likelihood and Gibbs Markov chains (which does not belong here), the paper proceeds to a description ofthe greedy layer-wise training of a DBN:

Note that a 1-level DBN is an RBM. The basic idea of the greedy layer-wise strategy is that after training the top-level RBM of a l-level DBN, one changes the interpretation of the RBM parameters to insert them in a $(l+1)$-level DBN: the distribution $P(g^{l-1}|g^l)$ from the RBM associated with layers $l−1$ and $$ is kept as part of the DBN generative model.

More technical material follows, pertinent only to the extension of DBMs to continuous-valued inputs. But:

Why does the layer-wise strategy work?

It seems that weights are set to better initial values. Therefore it makes sense to attempt the same scheme with simpler networks, like autoencoders. Indeed the experiments showed this to be the case and the authors report high quality test errors comparable to those of the DBNs on the dataset studied (MNIST), when supervised training is done after the unsupervised pre-training. However: what stops an autoencoder layer from just learning the identity function? Is it then necessary to always decrease the size of the layers? The answer is in the negative:

our experiments suggest that networks with non-decreasing layer sizes generalize well. This might be due to weight decay and stochastic gradient descent, preventing large weights: optimization falls in a local minimum which corresponds to a good transformation of the input (that provides a good initialization for supervised training of the whole net).

There is a subtlety here: if the top layers are big enough, training error can be zero even without pretraining, which was supposed to aid optimization. The key is the generalisation error, which will be worse since the lower layers will be poorly initialised. An experiment with reduced top layer size shows this to be a plausible explanation.

Consider the top two layers of the deep network with pre-training: it presumably takes as input a better representation, one that allows for better generalization. Instead, the network without pre-training sees a “random” transformation of the input, one that preserves enough information about the input to fit the training set, but that does not help to generalize.

It seems that indeed pretraining might initialize

the hidden layers so that they represent more meaningful representations of the input, which also yields to better generalization.

Finally the authors propose a semisupervised pre-training step for tasks with input distributions unrelated to the function to learn, e.g. in regression $Y=f(X)+\epsilon$ with $X \tilde p$ and no relation between $p$ and $f$:

In such settings we cannot expect the unsupervised greedy layer-wise pre-training procedure to help (…) we propose to train each layer with a mixed training criterion that combines the unsupervised objective (modeling or reconstructing the input) and a supervised objective (helping to predict the target).