tl;dr: There is (hard to judge) physical motivation for the success of shallow networks as approximators of Hamiltonians. Proof that fixed size networks can approximate polynomials arbitrarily well and implication for typical Hamiltonians. Proof that the inference (reconstruction of initial parameters) of hierarchical / sequential Markovian processes (argued to be pervasive in nature) is learnable by deep architectures but not by shallower ones (no-flattening theorem).
This paper addresses two fundamental questions for deep networks. That of efficiency: why do networks with relatively so few parameters (millions as opposed to gazillions) work? And that of depth: why do deeper architectures perform better in some tasks? and is it possible to perform as well with shallower ones?
Against the overwhelming size of the search space, neural networks (NNs) perform remarkably well in tasks where their input stems from physical processes. The authors argue that this is due to their ability to approximate the very simple Hamiltonians (oftentimes polynomials of lower order) that govern naturally phenomena:1 Even though “the set of all possible functions is exponentially larger than the set of practically possible networks”, the set of functions interesting to machine learning is vastly simpler.
Consider image classification: the training input consists of pairs $(x_i,y_i)$ of image array and class and the desired output for a test image $x$ is the probability $p(y|x)$ for all possible classes $y \in Y$, with $|Y| < \infty$. Bayes’ theorem states
$$ p (y|x) = \frac{p (x|y) p (y)}{\sum_{y’ \in Y} p (x|y’) p (y’)} . $$
H_y (x) & := & - \ln p (x|y) \hskip3em \text{(Hamiltonian)} \\
\mu_y & := & - \ln p (y) \hskip3em \text{(self-information)} \\
N (x) & := & \sum_{y \in Y} \mathrm{e}^{- [H_y (x) + \mu_y]},
Bayes’ theorem transforms into the Boltzmann form common in statistical physics:
$$ p (y|x) = \frac{\mathrm{e}^{- [H_y (x) + \mu_y]}}{N (x)} . $$
If we use vector notation, $p (x) := (p (y_1 |x), \ldots, p (y_{| Y |} |x))$ and analogously for $H$ and $\mu$, we can write
$$ p (x) = \frac{\mathrm{e}^{- [H (x) + \mu]}}{N (x)} = \sigma (- H (x) - \mu), $$
where $\sigma (x) := \mathrm{e}^x / \sum_j \mathrm{e}^{x_j}$ is the softmax function. Now recall that any feed-forward neural network $f$ can be succintly described as a composition of linear $A_j$ and non-linear maps $h_j$:
$$ f (x) = (h_n \circ A_n \circ \cdots \circ h_1 \circ A_1) (x) $$
and typically the last non-linearity is chosen to be a soft-max: $h_n = \sigma$. The key insight here is that, if the rest of the network, $A_n \circ \cdots \circ h_1 \circ A_1$, can approximate well the Hamiltonian $H$, the application of $\sigma$ will yield an accurate prediction of the desired posterior $p (y|x)$.
It turns out that many relevant Hamiltonians are:
- Polynomials of very low order d (e.g. the standard model of physics has $d=4$).
- Invariant under some group of transformations (and thus describable with even fewer parameters).
- Limited in degree by locality properties (cf. Ising model).
The main contribution of the paper wrt. the previous idea consists in the following two results:
Theorem: Let $f$ be a neural network of the form $f = A_2 \circ \sigma \circ A_1$, where $\sigma$ acts elementwise by applying some smooth non-linear function $\sigma$ to each element. Let the input layer, hidden layer and output layer have sizes 2, 4 and 1, respectively. Then f can approximate a multiplication gate arbitrarily well.
Corollary: For any given multivariate polynomial and any tolerance $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists a neural network of fixed finite size $N$ (independent of $\varepsilon$) that approximates the polynomial to accuracy better than $\varepsilon$. Furthermore, $N$ is bounded by the complexity of the polynomial, scaling as the number of multiplications required times a factor that is typically slightly larger than 4.
So computing polynomials is cheap in terms of parameters: the accuracy of the approximation does not have an effect on the size of the network, in contrast to previous approximation results which could not rule out an exponential increase in the number of parameters. Therefore a NN should perform well when approximating simple Hamiltonians, even with only “few” parameters. One obvious point of contention is precisely this required simplicity, but:
Although we might expect the Hamiltonians describing human-generated data sets such as drawings, text and music to be more complex than those describing simple physical systems, we should nonetheless expect them to resemble the natural data sets that inspired their creation much more than they resemble random functions.
It is not yet entirely clear that this is enough…
Why is the performance of NNs typically improved when more layers are added?
Many complicated physical processes amount to the concatenation of simpler transformations. These can be modeled as Markov processes $y_1 \mapsto y_2 \mapsto \ldots \mapsto y_n$. Denote the probability of transitioning to state $y_i$ given the last state $y_n$ by $p (y_i |y_n)$. Then
Theorem: Let $T_i$ be a minimal sufficient statistic of $p (y_i |y_n)$.[2^] Then there exists some function $f_i$ such that $T_i = f_i \circ T_{i + 1}$.
That is, there are functions $f_i$ that unravel these hierarchical processes “backwards in time” without losing any information beyond that which was lost by the Markov process itself (i.e. that left by the sufficient statistic).
Corollary: Define $f_0 (T_0) = p (y_0 |T_0)$ and $f_n = T_{n - 1}$. Then
$$ p (y_0 |y_n) = (f_0 \circ f_1 \circ \cdots \circ f_n) (y_n) . $$
Which says that “the structure of the inference problem reflects the structure of the generative process”, meaning that to go backwards in the generative process, a NN must approximate a composition of functions, a task at which they excel.
One immediate problem with these results is that sufficient statistics may not be (easily) computable. However, it is possible to work with “almost sufficient statistics” $f$ in the sense that they do not preserve the full mutual information $I$, that is: $I (y|y_n) > I (y|f (y_n))$:
For example, it may be possible to trade some loss of mutual information with a dramatic reduction in the complexity of the Hamiltonian; e.g., $H_y (f (x))$ may be considerably easier to implement in a neural network than $H_y (x)$. Precisely this situation applies to (…), where a hierarchy of efficient near-perfect information distillers [$f_0, \ldots, f_3$] have been found, [whose] numerical cost [scales] with the number of inputs parameters $n$ as $O (n)$, $O (n^{3 / 2})$, $O (n^2)$ and $O (n^3)$, respectively.
However it is not exactly clear, nor quantified, how using these almost sufficient statistics affects the quality of the approximation of the prior distribution $p (y_0 |y_n)$.
Finally it is not possible to “flatten” these architectures without losing performance or suffering an exponential increase in the number of parameters.
No-flattening theorems
Fix some network $f$ with $l$ layers and an approximation accuracy $\varepsilon > 0$ for $f$ in some sense. Denote by $\mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}$ some family of networks which approximate $f$ with fewer than $l$ layers and with $\varepsilon$ accuracy. Define the flattening cost of $f$ as
$$ C_n (f, \mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}) := \underset{f’ \in \mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}}{\min} \frac{N_n (f’)}{N_n (f)} $$
for the number of neurons and
$$ C_s (f, \mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}) := \underset{f’ \in \mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}}{\min} \frac{N_s (f’)}{N_s (f)} $$
for the number of synapses or non-zero weights. A result where $C_n > 1$ or $C_s > 1$ for some class $\mathcal{F}^l_{\varepsilon}$ is referred to as a no-flattening theorem.
After presenting a little zoo of results (no-flattening for polynomials or composition of functions in Sobolev spaces, as well as exponential neuron-inefficiency for certain architectures) the authors proceed with their own:
Simple no-flattening example: composition of linear maps. The idea behind the FFT is to decompose the linear map performing the discrete Fourier transform into $\log n$ many which are sparse, thus reducing an $\mathcal{O} (n^2)$ operation to an $\mathcal{O} (n \log n)$. So even though these simpler maps could be flattened (by multiplication) into just one, the computational cost would dramatically grow. The synapse flattening cost (the increase in non-zero weights in the network) is $C_s =\mathcal{O} (n / \log n) \approx \mathcal{O} (n)$.
Another example: it has been proved that matrix multiplication can be performed in roughly $\mathcal{O} (n^{2.37})$ instead of $\mathcal{O} (n^3)$ by stacking operations in a deep architecture (ref 46 in the paper).
Finally, polynomials are proven to be exponentially expensive to flatten:
Theorem: No neural network can implement an $n$-input multiplication gate using fewer than $2^n$ neurons in the hidden layer.
For example:
(…) a deep neural network can multiply $32$ numbers using $4 n = 160$ [sic] neurons while a shallow one requires $2^{32} = 4, 294, 967, 296$ neurons. Since a broad class of real-world functions can be well approximated by polynomials, this helps explain why many useful neural networks cannot be efficiently flattened.
The first half of the following talk by Tegmark is dedicated to this paper.
- It is well known that it is possible to fool any deep network into incorrectly classifying its input , but this is only achieved by optimising the inputs away from “physical” values to generate so-called adversarial examples. ⇧